Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Legal Documents for County Economic Development Corporations

Hi folks-

We are at the very early stages of considering forming a County Economic Development Corp but may have the opportunity to move the process along quickly if some funding comes through. If you have participated in the formation of an EDC and are willing to share your startup budget as well as any early incorporation documents I would greatly appreciate it! I've been asked to prepare a startup budget for a meeting on Wednesday so I have a short timeline. Thanks for your help.

Best- Laura Brown
Laura Brown
Community & Economic Development Educator
Crawford County UW Cooperative Extension
225 N. Beaumont Road, Suite 240 Prairie du Chien, WI 53821 608-326-0224 Fax: 608-326-0226
laura.brown@ces.uwex.edu www.uwex.edu/ces/cty/crawford