Thursday, June 18, 2009

Municipal Utility Service Rates (Karl Green)

Good Morning CNRED,

I received a request from a local City planner asking if there is any sort of data base that displays municipal utility services and payment amounts for activities such as stormwater, refuse & recycling, fire, transportation, streets, etc.

This community in particular will see a 14% decrease in shared revenue from the State, and is considering the idea of segregating some of its services as a utility/enterprise fund, as opposed to keeping it on the general ledger.

Any suggestions to illustrate what various municipalities have done would be most helpful. Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Karl Green
Assistant Professor, Department of Community Resource Development
La Crosse County UW-Extension
400 4th Street North
La Crosse, WI 54601
Telephone: 608-785-9763
Fax: 608-789-4808

Friday, June 12, 2009

Riverfront Development & Intercept Surveys

Has anyone worked with a riverfront community on using their waterfront for tourism, business, and/or economic development? If so, I would be interested in talking with you. Particularly, I’m looking at smaller communities on smaller bodies of water.

Also, if you know of a community that has used an intercept survey for visitors to a big event (eg July 4th weekend/parade etc) to help with tourism development, let me know so I can follow up with you. I’ve found resources for surveys that look at expenditures of visitors, but this community is interested in looking at reasons/perceptions/distance traveled etc (in addition to expenditures). I’m looking specifically for example questions.

Andy Lewis – could you post this to your blog to facilitate and log responses? Anyone can go there once its posted with responses: everyone!Catherine

Catherine Neiswender
Associate Professor
Community Development Educator

UW-Extension, Winnebago County
James P. Coughlin Center
625 E County Rd Y, Suite 600
Oshkosh, WI 54901-8131
Telephone: (920) 232-1972
Fax: (920) 424-1277

Friday, June 05, 2009

All Nonprofits must file form 990: Post from Patrick Nehring

This issue may have already come up because of UW-Extension’s association with 4-H and HCE Clubs, so you maybe aware of it.

But just to make sure you are aware, if a nonprofit organization does not file a 990, 990-EZ, 990-N form by at the latest May 15, 2010, they will lose their nonprofit designation from the IRS and need to reapply for nonprofit status. Attached is a press release that you can modify if you’re interested to let people know in you county.

In response to shady activities of a few nonprofit organizations, Congress in 2006/2007 changed the filing requirements for nonprofit organizations.

There is a new 990 and new 990-EZ form, but more significantly there is now a requirement that ALL nonprofit organizations must file a 990, 990-EZ, or 990-N report at the end of each fiscal year starting with fiscal year 2007. (For some organizations the 2007 fiscal year may end in a month other than January, so this applies whenever their fiscal year ends, which could be March or June for example.)

Previously, if a nonprofit organization had gross receipts less then $25,000, they did not need to file any paper work with the IRS. Now if an organization makes less than $25,000, the organization must electronically file a form 990-N. It is not a difficult form to fill out; basically it asks the organizations EIN number, current address, principle officer, and a yes/no statement saying your organization had less than $25,000 in gross receipts. The form is at Organizations with gross receipts more that $25,000 are required to file a 990EZ or 990 form.

Why should you care?
After May 15, 2010 (The deadline for fiscal year 2009 filing, assuming the fiscal year is January to December.), any nonprofit organization that has never filed a 990, 990EZ, or 990N form will lose their IRS designated nonprofit status. All nonprofit organizations must file a 990, 990-EZ, or 990-N form by the 15th day of the 5th month following the end of their fiscal year. This includes ALL nonprofit organizations, including 501(c)3 Charitable organizations; 501(c)5 labor organizations, like unions; 501(c)6 membership organizations, like Chambers of Commerce; and 501(c)7 social and recreation clubs, like a possibly a bowling league or quilt guild. The required filing is more likely to affect small local nonprofits, like the local snowmobile club or lakes association, because previously they were not required to file any forms with the IRS.

So what if an organization loses its nonprofit status with the IRS?
The organization will need to pay income tax on its profits at the end of the year. The profit is the money the revenue the organization has left after expenses. Failure to file a 990 form can amount to thousands of dollars in taxes and penalties, if the organization is caught. In addition, charitable contributions to the organization, particularly a 501(c)3 organization, will no longer be deductible from individual donor’s personal income taxes. Also, the organization is unlikely to receive a grant from a private foundation or government entity, who usually prefer 501(c)3 organizations. To reinstate its exempt status, an organization will need to go through the entire application process as if they were applying for the first time, including paying the application fee and filing out the 30 page application form for nonprofit status. There is also no guarantee that nonprofit status will be reinstated.

What is the IRS doing to let organizations know they need to file a 990 form?
The IRS may have sent out a letter or postcard informing nonprofits of the filing requirements. If they did send out a notice to all of the nonprofits it the country, they would have sent it to the address of chief officer or the person who originally filed the paperwork for nonprofit status, which may have been done ten, twenty, thirty, or more years ago. This especially is the case with the small local nonprofits that have not corresponded with the IRS since their nonprofit status was granted. I asked a few of the small local nonprofits in the county if they received any notice from the IRS and they had not. The IRS also has the notice of the filing requirement on their website. Of course, no one would know that unless they went looking for it. It is doubtful that the small local nonprofit that until now has not been required to file any paperwork with the IRS will just happen to go to the IRS’s website and read through the website to see that they are required to file a 990N. This process will help the IRS clear their books of defunct nonprofits. And, with the hundreds of thousands or millions of nonprofits in the US, maybe they unconsciously even want some of the smaller budget nonprofits to just go away, because they are so hard to keep track of. For example from a national perspective, the Friends of the Hancock Public Library with an annual budget of well under $25,0000 is fairly insignificant, but locally it is important to keep the local library.

Basically, the IRS is doing very little or nothing to let small local nonprofits know of the filing requirement.

Patrick Nehring, AICP
Community Agent
UW-Extension Waushara County
PO Box 487
209 S Ste Marie Street
Wautoma, WI 54982
(920) 787-0416